
Tara Hearne

Hi, my name is Tara...

I’m a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist and Anxiety Coach based in Northcote, Melbourne.

I have more than ten years’ experience helping women transform and heal.

I specialise in conditions that are associated with chronic stress such as anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue, PTSD, PMS and IBS.

I am available for sessions in person, via Zoom and over the phone.

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“The wound is the place the light enters you” – Rumi

How I work...

Transform Your Past

To fully heal you need to address the root cause. Often the root cause is due to past trauma and wounding. 

I use Energy Healing, Past Life Regression and Hypnosis to help you release past trauma and integrate suppressed memories and emotions. Allowing you to return to a state of balance and peace. 

Heal Your Body

Whether you have mental health issues, fatigue or hormone imbalances, you need to heal the physical body to achieve lasting results.

I combine food as medicine, herbal remedies, nutrition supplements, and stress-reducing techniques, to nourish and strengthen your body and help you become more resilient to stress. 

Empower Your Mind

Conscious and unconscious self sabotaging behaviours and limiting beliefs can ruin your wellbeing and hold you back in life.

Together we release your past conditioning, transform limiting beliefs and re-frame your negative thinking, so that you feel more empowered to live an authentic and abundant life.

Reclaim your power and heal your body, mind & soul.
Tara Hearne - Call
My healing journey...

When I was young, I felt like there was something wrong with me, that I was inherently bad.

According to my mother I was born stressed and anxious. I now believe this was due to a combination of reasons; my mother’s stress during pregnancy, inherited transgenerational trauma and trauma from past lives.

Around the ages of 7-9 years old, I experienced several significant traumas, which included sexual abuse and bullying. These experiences caused me to suppress ‘negative’ emotions and form negative beliefs about myself and the world around me. Some of the beliefs I formed were; I’m not safe, I‘m not worthy, there is something wrong with me, the world isn’t a safe place, and people can’t be trusted.

When out in the world I managed my fear and anxiety by staying quiet, avoiding confrontation, and by not asking questions. My main aim was to get through the day with as few people noticing me as possible. If I was invisible, no one could hurt me or cause me any further pain. I was easily triggered and emotionally overwhelmed, and my stress would manifest as stomach aches and insomnia. I became hypervigilant, disassociated, and disconnected from my body and my authentic self. I coped by shutting down parts of myself and burying my trauma in the deep recesses of my mind.

Whilst living in London, around the age of 24, the trauma I thought I had done so well to bury for 15 years, started to raise its ugly head. I felt overwhelmed, flat and depressed so I went to see a fancy GP. She diagnosed me with depression and wrote me a script for anti-depressants and sent me on my way. Upon leaving her office I threw the script in the rubbish bin. I knew there must be another way…I just hadn’t discovered what that was yet…

At the age of 25 I left London and moved to Auckland New Zealand, where I managed the branch office of my family software company. On the outside I looked the epitome of success for my age; I drove a nice car, dined in fancy restaurants, and holidayed in Fiji. However, on the inside I felt empty and spent my weekends trying to fill the void inside of me with alcohol, men and shopping. I remember driving along one day thinking “Is this it? There must be more to life?”

At the age of 28, after living in NZ for 3 years, I had a physical and mental breakdown (or you could say breakthrough). The effects of suppressing my trauma for the past 20 years had finally caught up with me. I had debilitating fatigue and struggled to get out of bed in the morning. Once I did manage to get out of bed and drag myself around, I would burst into tears at the drop of a hat. I was suffering from adrenal fatigue, anxiety, depression and hypothyroidism. Upon the recommendation of my flatmate, I went to see a Naturopath. This was a major turning point for me, as it transformed not only my health but also my life. I was so inspired by this Naturopath, I decided to follow in her footsteps.

I quit my job, left NZ and flew to Sydney and enrolled in Naturopathy. I started eating healthier, taking herbal medicine, running, hiking, swimming in the ocean and doing yoga. My body slowly started to recover. However, it wasn’t until I discovered energy healing, reiki, psychotherapy, regression, and hypnosis that my trauma healing really began.

Over the years, I have been diagnosed with the following conditions, which I believe are the result of unresolved trauma and chronic stress: Asthma, Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia, ADHD, Complex PTSD, Depression, HPA Axis Dysregulation/ Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroid, IBS, PMS, and Fibrocystic Breast Disease. I also suffered for years from recurrent infections such as bronchitis and cystitis, due to having a suppressed immune system from the long-term effects of chronic stress.

Over the years, with the help of holistic healing and natural therapies, I have healed from Asthma, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Complex PTSD, Depression, HPA Axis Dysregulation/ Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroid, IBS, and PMS. Today, my immune system is strong, and I very rarely get sick. I am no longer disassociated. I am grounded and present (well most of the time😉) and in my body. I am free from most of the fears and anxieties that used to haunt me. I can still get anxious from time to time and struggle to sleep, but I have the tools to help me get through these moments. 

I have re-wired my brain so that its more positive and optimistic, I have purged ‘negative’ suppressed emotions from my body, I have re-balanced my HPA Axis, nervous system, and hormones. I have healed my gut and adrenals. I have transformed my negative beliefs and behaviours. I know that I am worthy, and that I matter. I no longer live in a state of constant fear and hypervigilance. I feel safe in my body and in the world. I know whatever happens to me I will be ok. I have a stronger connection to my intuition and can access joy a lot more frequently. I have freedom from my conditioning and can live life on my own terms. 

Today I am healthy in my mind, body and soul. 

It is from my personal experience of healing and transforming from chronic stress and health issues that I can offer you genuine help on your journey.

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My values...


I believe in taking full responsibility for one’s own health and life. 

I believe in showing up and honouring my commitments to myself, my clients and my loved ones.


I hold a safe, non-judgmental, professional space, so you can feel free to express your truth, let go and embrace healing transformations.

I help you foster trust and faith in yourself, in other people and in the universe.


I believe in the power of kindness. 

I believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect & kind-heartedness.

I embody a calm, gentle, healing energy.


Due to my own traumatic experiences, I have developed finely tuned empathy. 

I feel and relate to what you are going through.

I bring compassion, empathy and support to what you are experiencing.


My own healing journey has involved releasing a lot of trauma, suppressed emotions and energy from this lifetime and past lives.

This healing has enhanced my intuition by making me a clearer channel for higher energy and wisdom to flow through me.


I believe in embodying and practicing what I teach.

I stay grounded and present by practicing meditation, yoga, dancing, journaling and hiking in nature.

My qualifications...

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Bachelor of Social Science in Information Management, University of Melbourne

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, Nature Care College

Diploma of Nutrition, Nature Care College

Health Coaching for Health Professionals: The HCA Model, Health Change Association

Reiki Level 1, Nature Care College

Reiki Level 2, Jason Hopkins

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 1 & 2, Dolores Cannon

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Level 1 Australian Institute of Self Development

EFT and Innovative Energy Techniques Masterclass, Steve Wells

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Life Coaching, Hypnosis, Time Dynamics, Breakthrough Academy

Master Hypnotherapist Course, Dr Karen E Wells

Shadow Connection Workshop, Academy of Hypnotic Science

Inner Energy Balance, Bambi Dual

Women’s Wellness Webinar Series, Bioconcepts

Course in the Foundations of Natural Fertility Education, Wise Women Business

Treating Trauma: The Pathway to Transformation, Robert Rhoton


Tara has been monumental in helping me…

Potent and effective…

Tara makes you feel comfortable instantly...

Tara is very talented and wise...

Like a weight had been lifted…

Ready for change...

Book a FREE Discovery Session and find out how I can help you.
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