A recent study found one in five young women in Australia are currently living with anxiety or depression. The annual HILDA (Household, Income and Labour Dynamic in Australia) Survey of 17,000 people found that in the eight years 2009 to 2017, rates of diagnosed depression and or anxiety among young women aged 15 to 34 jumped from 13 per cent to over 20 per cent. And the statistics are similar for middle-aged women (aged 35 to 54 years), with combined rates of depression and or anxiety rising from 13 per cent to 19 per cent.
There are so many things woman can do in regards to diet and lifestyle, to manage their mental health. Here’s a list of some natural remedies and practises that help with depression and anxiety:
Diet – Prebiotic & probiotic foods, healthy fats, omega-3, B Vitamins, C, Zinc & Magnesium.
Daily Activities – exercise, get into nature, exposure to natural sunlight in the morning (earlier the better), sleep before 10pm (7-9hrs), meditate, schedule me time, get creative, dance, sing, chant, and connect with loved ones
Daily Practises – journal/review your day, get grounded & connect to the earth, mindfulness, gratitude, self compassion
Movement – yoga, pilates, chi gong, jogging, hiking, dancing
Breathing – Wim Hoff, deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing.
Reduce – caffeine, alcohol sugar, processed foods, negative thoughts.
Herbal Medicine – nervines to help with anxiety & sleep, adaptogens to help with stress.